Largest Nursing Workforce Center in the US
What We Do
The Center is the only neutral, nursing workforce-focused organization operating from a system and state-wide perspective while at the same time working “on the ground” with over 175 clinical and educational partners from all segments of Colorado’s healthcare workforce pipeline.
Workforce Development
As Colorado’s only nursing focused healthcare workforce center our focus, along with the rest of the country, is to help increase the number of nurses serving our communities. With the support of our funders, we work with academic and healthcare partners to build programs that provide financial and professional support to aspiring nurses, nursing students, and current nurses seeking to progress in their education toward a CNA, LPN, RN, BSN, MSN, APRN, PhD, and DNP.

Organizational Training
Training programs can have an amazing impact on an individual and when you bring a department or leadership team together the impact can be far reaching within an organization. The Center has developed a number of programs that can be customized to meet the specific needs of the organization and business objectives. Our programs can be designed specifically for a leadership team or for staff. We work with leadership to help identify programs that best meet the needs of the organization.
The long term success of the Center’s programs has been attributed to our model of including mentoring and/or coaching as a part of our programs. Over twenty years of developing and implementing programs, the team has found that programs that include additional support and follow-up are much more effective for both individuals and teams. Coaching is included in many of our programs and is offered to healthcare leaders on a contractual basis.

Special Initiatives
As the state’s nursing workforce center we also serve as the lead for the state for nursing workforce initiatives. Our team currently co-leads the Colorado Action Coalition charged with implementing the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Recommendation in Colorado. The Center is also a founding member of the Nurses on Boards Coalition with the goal of 10,000 nurses on board by 2020.