Clinical Scholar Program
The Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence Clinical Scholar Program was created to support the professional development of experienced nurses focused on supporting nursing students in the clinical setting.

Clinical Scholar Program - Register Now
- July 21-25, 2024
- $2010 Per Student
- Nursing Contact Hours Available
New - Group Coaching
The Center is excited to offer our Clinical Scholars the opportunity to participate in group coaching.
This optional 3 session (1 per month) virtual Group Coaching will be offered following the Clinical Scholar workshop and will provide ongoing peer-learning and support integrating the skills learned in class. Coaching groups will have a maximum of 10 per group and facilitated by an experienced International Coaching Federation (ICF) trained Coach and Clinical Scholar faculty member.
This optional coaching is only $650 for 3 sessions.
Contact Michelle Cheuvront for more information:
Looking for the Region 8 Clinical Faculty & Preceptor Academy?
Click Here for More Information and to Register
Program Background
There are two main barriers to reducing the nursing shortages; the lack of clinical placements and lack of clinical faculty needed to support nursing student education. The Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence has been leading a statewide initiative since 2005 focused on increasing the number and aptitude of nurses working with nursing students in the clinical setting. This program originated with a Colorado Department of Labor and Employment grant to train 45 Scholars. We now offer this program three times a year and we have trained over 1800 CNE Clinical Scholars.
The Center conducts regular rapid cycle process improvement to ensure the curriculum includes the best practices and evidenced-based strategies for educating students in the clinical environment and expanding nurses’ clinical judgement. Program outcomes demonstrate significant improvement in student learning with increases in quality and safety of patient care, improved satisfaction of staff nurses working with students, improved patient satisfaction, and improved nurse satisfaction and retention making the program a standard of practice for many schools and clinical agencies across Colorado.
The content aligns to the National League for Nursing’s (NLN) Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Model and state Scopes of Practice, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials and Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Standards and ensures the promotion of cultural awareness aligned to the Future of Nursing Report and the National Commission on Racism in Nursing’s findings.
As the result of the pandemic, in 2020 the Center shifted the delivery of this five-day program to virtual making this invaluable program easier to attend for those outside of the Denver area and beyond Colorado. We now offer both virtual and in-person options throughout the year. Watch for announcements for our workshop schedule.
Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.