Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program
It takes a village to care for our aging community members and thanks to a grant from HRSA we are able to offer education to BOTH healthcare workers and family care caregivers!
Take advantage of this program
and learn more about:
Normal Aging
Recognition & Prevention of Elder Abuse
Addressing Dementia Behaviors
In July 2019, STRIDE Community Health Center was awarded a five-year funding opportunity from the HRSA -Bureau of Health Workforce Division of Medicine and Dentistry as a representative of a consortium of statewide partners including the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence and others; representing education, clinical, and the community. This unique funding program has six primary goals focused on developing and implementing a statewide interdisciplinary and community-focused program of workforce training that will provide geriatric skills training to a wide range of Colorado healthcare professionals, family members, students, and caregivers.
Opportunities Open to the Public & Healthcare Workers
Virtual Dementia Tour
This interactive program shows participants what people with dementia may experience.
Develop Academic-Practice Partnerships
- Create more geriatric clinical opportunities for SW, APRN, and dental students
- Financial support for 4 MSW and 4 APRN students (GWEP fellow) per year, $10,000 each
- Geriatric curriculum development and expansion at partner academic programs
- Geriatric Oral Care Training Initiative (GOCI)
- Alzheimer's Disease and related dementia (ADRD) training for students
Train 1,900 Health Professionals, Students, and Faculty on the Primary Care Needs of Older Adults
- Interprofessional Introduction to gerontology
- Improved training and onboarding for CNAs
- Geriatric skills training to GWEP fellows and students
- Geriatric skills 1:1 and group coaching
- Social Determinants of Health impact on geriatric patients
- MIPS interventions and data tracking
Transform healthcare facilities into Age Friendly Health Systems (AFHS)
- 10 sites to became AFHS with IPE training and coaching
- Development and utilization of the AFHS Spherit tool
Train 1,750 Individuals through Community-Based Programs
- Increase family member/community geriatric care skills and knowledge
- Create demand for AFHS practices
- Care Journey Sphere—geriatric decision making tool for families
Train 1,750 Individuals on ADRD
- ADRD training for family members, caregivers, and the community
- ADRD training for healthcare providers, FQHC/LTC staff, and students
- Virtual Dementia Tour
Interprofessional Partnering Education and Training
- IPE for FQHC, Academia, students, LTC workforce

This project is supported by funds from the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) under grant number UK1HP31720, titled “Achieving Systemic Impact: A Statewide Primary Care Nursing Collaborative”. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by the BHW, HRSA, DHHS or the U.S. Government.